Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Liquid Form

Liquid Form (Spell)
Difficulty: Average

This versatile spell turns the caster and all carried equipment into a watery mass, vaguely resembling their original form. While in liquid form, their physical strength is considerably less, but the are highly resistant to most forms of damage. More importantly, they can seep through any opening that isn't water-tight! The spell lasts about an hour normally, but the caster can extend this indefinitely by paying the energy cost every hour, without having to cast the spell again. The caster can also choose to become a semi-solid fleshy ooze when casting, in which case they retain their physical strength, but gain less damage resistance.

The caster suffers a mutation that remains until somehow cured.
The spell affects a random being within 30 feet.
The subject becomes liquid, but cannot move until the spell ends.
The spell succeeds, but transforms the subject into water or ooze, whichever the caster didn't intend.
The subject is injured as part of their body melts away.
The subject suffers a mutation for the duration of the spell.

Part of the caster's body, such as an arm or leg turns to water or ooze, as per the spell's normal effect.
The caster's body bloats with excess fluid. This doesn't affect their health, but it does impact their agility and appearance.
The caster's skin is constantly coated with water.
Water constantly flows from the caster's eyes, as though they were crying.
The caster's body becomes slightly transparent. They aren't notably harder to see, but they do look strange.

The spell uses less energy.
The spell can affect another being touched by the caster.
The spell can affect multiple creatures within thirty feet (requires 2 bonuses.)
The user can turn into a corrosive or toxic liquid.

For D&D 5E

Liquid Form
2nd Level Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
You transform into an animate mass of water for the spell's duration, vaguely retaining your natural shape.

While in this form, you gain a swim speed, and can enter and occupy the space of another creature. You have resistance to nonmagical damage. You can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks.

While in liquid form, you can’t talk or manipulate objects, and any objects it was carrying or holding can’t be dropped, used, or otherwise interacted with. You can’t attack or cast spells.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Tendrilize (Spell)

Difficulty: Easy

Based on the same spell from Fapp.

A curious spell from a foreign land, created by mages known as Fleshcrafters. This spell has a multitude of different uses, all revolving around creating and modifying tentacles. While this spell grants the coordination needed to control the tentacles, which could grant considerable combat and utility application, they were traditionally used almost exclusively for rather lewd purposes.

When cast, the caster must touch either themselves or another creature and choose one of three primary functions:
  1. The target grows a tentacle at the touched location, typically the flank or back. The tentacle has a five-foot reach on a normal human, but is longer or shorter proportionately to the target's size.
  2. A touched body part gains the form and function of a tentacle, topped by the appendage's normal extremity, if any. An arm, leg, tongue, nose, neck...anything. This use can also target any bodily opening, in which case it is replaced with a tentacle with said orifice at the end. If targeting a body part with multiple instances, like arms or legs, the spell can target a single appendage, or all matching appendages.
  3. An existing tentacle is modified. It can be endowed with a hand, mouth, eye, or other such biological feature, even if not possessed by the creature normally. It can also be doubled or halved in length, or capped with a claw, blade, or bludgeon. It can be converted into a vine-like appendage comprised of plant-matter, in which case it will even bear edible fruit. If cast on a tentacle that already has one of these properties, said property is replaced by the new one.
The spell lasts for one hour.

The caster suffers a random effect of the spell, which is permanent until cured.
The spell succeeds, but the tentacle flails and writhes about of its own accord, and cannot be controlled.
The spell has a random viable effect instead of the intended one on the target.

The caster can apply a second effect in the same casting.
The duration is increased to a day.
The spell is permanent. (This requires two bonuses.)
The caster controls the tentacle, rather than the target.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Wild Binding: Dragon

Wild Binding: Dragon (Spell)

Difficulty: Difficult

There are many magical traditions out there. On top of the standard wizardly techniques, there is also channeling power from an extraplanar power or from some language of creation. Of particular note is a technique called binding, where through complex rituals and negotiations, a binder can bond himself with a demon or other spirit, granting themselves a portion of their power.

More “traditional” casters have dabbled with a way to marry this technique with their own, and one such result is called “wild binding.” Eschewing the lengthy rituals in favor of instantaneous casting, wild binding is much quicker, but at the cost of precision. Wizards have found ways to slightly influence what kind of being they bond with, but it's still rather unpredictable. Such is the price of swift and potent power.

When this spell is cast, the caster summons an embodiment of draconic power, coalesced from the spiritual runoff of dragons both living and dead. For the duration of the spell, they are affected by a mighty transformation of unpredictable nature and duration. Unlike most spells, the caster cannot end the spell early, even on a success. The following tables determine the effect of the spell.

One minute.
One hour.
Eight hours.
Twenty four hours.

Dragon Form:
The caster binds the soul of a western dragon, and transforms into a muscular, scaly, winged creature while retaining their general shape, appearing as an anthropomorphic dragon if humanoid. They double in size unless already rather massive, gaining great physical strength on top of powerful claws, teeth, tail, and flight...and a random breath weapon to boot! They are immune to the element of their breath weapon provided it isn't purely physical in nature. They become notably proud and greedy.
The caster binds the soul of an eastern dragon. As above, but the body is lean and slender, with barbules and a flowing mane. In place of a breath weapon, they can magically conjure a similar effect in a variety of shapes. They become aloof and prideful.
The caster binds the soul (souls?) of a hydra. As the first result, but in place of wings, the caster grows 1d4 additional heads! These extra heads provide a fearsome edge in combat, and in the ability to multitask. They become proud and greedy, and sometimes the other heads act on their own.
The caster binds the soul of a fairy dragon. As the first result, but instead of growing, the caster shrinks, becoming small, light, and garishly colored! In place of physical power and a breath weapon, they gain incredible agility, and the powers of short-range teleportation and brief invisibility. They become whimsical and mischievous.

Breath Weapon:
A blast of fire.
A blast of ultra-cold air
A stream of acid
A bolt of lightning
A barrage of stony shrapnel
A wave of shrill, bone-shattering sound

The caster suffers a mutation that lasts until cured.
The caster is fully possessed, controlled by the draconic spirit. The spell lasts until the spirit is somehow exorcised.
The caster instead physically summons the nearest adult dragon.
The spell instead affects a random creature within thirty feet.

The caster develops the personality quirks they would've gained had the spell succeeded.
The caster develops scaly patches over their body.
The caster develops a draconic snout and tail.
The caster develops a chronic cough (if they would've become a western dragon,) a bizarrely long torso (if eastern,) a second head (if hydra,) or shrinks to 2/3 height (if fairy.)

The caster can choose the dragon type and element.
The caster is unaffected by personality change.
The spell lasts up to twenty-four hours, and the caster can end it whenever they wish.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Tortoise Shell

Tortoise Shell (Spell)

Difficulty: Easy

A simple spell with a simple name and a simple effect, Tortoise Shell causes the target, either the caster or a creature they touch, to have their torso bulk-up and harden into a tortoise-like shell, complete with a simple pattern. Non-magical torso-wear is destroyed, while magical equipment is absorbed for the spell's duration. Said duration is one hour, and should the target be within thirty feet of the caster when the spell expires, the caster can extend the spell another hour without need for repeat casting, though the still need to pay the energy cost.

The shell is extremely strong, and provides excellent protection to the torso, and the subject can fully retract any part of their body into the shell. On the other hand, the shell is also quite heavy, and is certain to slow and encumber the subject.Miscast:
The caster suffers a mutation that lasts until cured.
The caster or target (50% chance of either) is transformed into an ordinary turtle for the spell's duration, though they retain their mind.
The shell is not hard, but rather soft and fleshy. While still encumbering, it provides no protection.
The spell affects a random creature within 30 feet of the caster.
The caster and target both suffer a mutation for 24 hours.

The mutant develops a turtle-like beak and a short tail.
The mutant becomes cold-blooded.
The shell becomes permanent.
The mutant develops scaly patches over various parts of their body.

The shell is surprisingly light and sleek, and doesn't slow the subject much.
The spell lasts 24 hours.
The spell affects 2-6 creatures within 30 feet.
The subject's skin becomes scaly and leathery, further increasing defenses.

For D&D 5E

Tortoise Shell
3rd level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V S M (a scale or piece of shell)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Classes: Druid
You touch a willing creature, and they grow a heavy, tortoise-like shell, merging with any armor they're wearing, and their skin becomes tough and scaly. Until the spell ends, the target's AC can't be less than 18, but their movement speed decreases by 10 and they suffer disadvantage on Acrobatics skill checks. As an action, the target may pull their limbs and head into their shell. While so withdrawn, they have resistance to all damage types except psychic, but can take no action other than extending their head and limbs, which takes another action.

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Diabolize (Spell)

By Tavaer

Difficulty:  Average

A spell that demonizes the target to others with a moving, localized illusory curse. The more they are seen by others, the more horrifying and enraging they appear to become, inspiring fear in those that perceive them. While under the effect of this curse the caster may speak normally but others in range will hear only a mix of unintelligible growls, hissing, bleating, and all manner of guttural mewling. All who look at the affected victim must resist it's fear inducing illusion. The curse will also attempt to pass off weapons used by the victim as extra limbs, wings, or bony protrusions. The effect lasts for three days and can be dispelled by the victim passing through running water.

...A cruel spell originally used by rival witch covens to force one another out of hiding, it found lesser use by guilds- to help fledgling thieves and assassins learn to run faster and longer...or die.

Success: The target is cursed for three days time, all who perceive them seeing only a horrifying monster that cannot be understood.

0-20 The spell affects an unintended living target nearby.
21-40 Only the victims speech is distorted by the illusion, effectively making it impossible for them to communicate.
41-60 The spell produces a monstrous illusion temporarily at the targets location, leaving them unscathed unless they look at it.
61-80 The curse has the opposite effect, the afflicted becoming the apple of the eye of all those who see them, in effect, making them sexy.
81-100 The spell produces no illusion, instead giving the victim a suspicious aura, all those who interact with them will distrust them instantly for the curses normal duration.

0-30 The curse is turned upon the caster instead, and cannot be dispelled by them.
31-60 The curse is passed on to each living thing the victim comes into contact with, intensifying each consecutive time, but cutting it's duration in half for each new victim, and the original target as well.
61-90 The spell affects the immediate location instead, producing the illusions of deadly traps or hazardous terrain.
91-100 The curse summons a very real unbound minor demon or Cthuloid monstrosity from the casters object of focus (wand/staff or even hands).

The spell cannot be dispelled by anti curse magic and will run it's full duration.
The curse causes brief insanity in those who stare at the victim and fail to make a save.
Those who stare at the affected victim must resist being automatically enraged.
The duration of the curse is extended by half hour each time they are perceived by a sentient with eyesight.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Dire Feast

Dire Feast (Spell)

Difficulty: Average

Originally devised by a cult worshiping a god of gluttony, intended to work its members into a “battle frenzy” of sorts, this bizarre and frightening spell is only known to a few casters. In more modern times, it's seen niche use by less scrupulous casters seeking to sow chaos amid the enemy ranks.

This spell targets a living creature within thirty feet, and if it overcomes the target's will, they find themselves overwhelmed by an primal hunger, and they grow a large, toothy maw, either an enlargement of their existing mouth or a new mouth on their gut, at the caster's discretion and their physical abilities increase moderately. While affected by this spell, the victim gains the ability to eat raw or rotten meat and a seemingly bottomless stomach, and indeed, is incapable of doing anything other than pursuing their next meal. They lack the mental composure to speak, read, or cast spells, and must immediately begin gorging themselves on the nearest accessible organic matter, stopping only once it is gone, or they are interrupted. If there are multiple food sources within reach, the victim may choose between them, but will otherwise even attempt to kill and consume former friends and allies if no other food is near. Even the caster is an eligible target. The spell lasts one minute, but if the victim is within the caster's range, they may extend the spell another minute by spending the spell's energy cost again.

The caster suffers a mutation that remains until cured.
The spell instead affects the caster or a random creature within range. (50% of either.)
The caster or target (50% chance of either) begins immediately and messily purging their stomach.
The caster or target (50% chance of either) is suddenly exhausted and famished, as though they'd gone a few days without eating.
The caster or target (50% chance of either) suffers a mutation for 1-10 days.

The mutant develops the toothy mouth intended for the victim.
The mutant becomes horribly emaciated, no matter how much they eat.
The mutant's body mass increases by 50% due to massive fat gain. Exercise and diet don't help...
The mutant requires twice as much sustenance, but naturally heals twice as fast.
The mutant loses the ability to eat anything but meat.
3-12 smaller mouths grow in random places over the mutant's body.

The spell's energy cost is greatly reduced.
The caster can specify a specific diet for the victim, such as raw meat.
The victim is unable to differentiate between friend and foe, consuming friends as eagerly as foes.
The victim's body, especially their mouth, becomes massively elastic, and they can easily swallow up to their own size whole.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Create Steed

Create Steed (Spell)

Difficulty: Difficult

This spell, as its name would suggest, creates a steed for the caster. It does this by transforming an existing creature. The target creature must be no less than 80% of the caster's size. The spell takes an uninterrupted minute to cast, during which the target must remain within 30 feet of the caster. Should the spell overcome the target's willpower, it will force them into a quadrupedal shape and converts any hands into paw or hooflike appendages. They also grow to up to 120% the caster's size. At the caster's option, the target have their speech restricted to bestial sounds. The spell also affects the target's mind, enforcing the belief that the caster is their friend and master, and will treat them accordingly. They will obey almost all commands to the best of their ability, but will not directly harm themselves or their friends unless in their master's defense. This absolute loyalty cannot be swayed while the spell is in effect. It also creates a saddle to fit the target. The spell lasts one day, but casting the spell again will reset this duration, and the target cannot resist if already affected. If the spell is maintained like this for three uninterrupted days, it becomes permanent.

A more benign version of this spell omits the mind control, and is Average difficulty.

The caster suffers a mutation that lasts until cured.
The spell is reversed, the caster being instead transformed and charmed by their intended target.
Only the spell's physical or mental effects (50% chance of either) take effect on the target.
The caster or target (50% chance of either) has their mind swapped with a nearby animal.
The caster or target (50% chance of either) is affected by a mutation for the spell's intended duration.

The caster's hands change to resemble hooves or paws, but remain somewhat functional.
Every few words the caster speaks are replaced by animal sounds.
Growth of flesh and bone forms a saddle-like growth on the caster's back.
The caster is forced into a quadrupedal shape, though he retains use of hands.
The caster's hands fully transform into paws or hooves.
The caster's speech is replaced with animal sounds.

The spell is permanent on first casting.
The target grows gills and becomes amphibious.
The target will do absolutely anything the caster asks, even if it's outright suicidal.
The target can be enlarged to up to three times the caster's size.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Spellcasting overview

Spells are another staple of transformation, from the classic witch's curse to the famous tale of Circe. While we're trying to stay system-free, the most interesting nuances of spells require one. As such we're whipping up a vague system of our own here...

Several assumptions are being made, first off.
1. Spellcasting requires skill and training to do reliably. The more experienced at casting one is, the more likely they are to succeed at casting.
2. A spell can be cast from a written formula, such as in a spellbook, or cast from a memorized formula.
3. A spell has some innate cost to the caster when cast, typically from some sort of “mana” pool, or possibly the caster's physical stamina.
4. A distracted or mentally impaired caster has more difficulty casting.
5. Adding exotic material components or receiving help from other casters makes a spell easier.

Spells come in multiple difficulties, ranging through Very Easy, Easy, Average, Hard, and Very Hard. The higher the difficulty, the harder a spell is to cast, and the more energy is required to cast. A casting of a spell can have one of four outcomes:

Miscast: If a casting fails by a large margin, the spell can backfire, having an unintended or undesirable effect. Energy put into casting is lost.

Failure: If a casting fails by a smaller amount, the caster can abort the spell, regaining most of the invested energy, but producing no effect. The caster may opt for a miscast instead, in hopes of something useful happening.

Success: The spell happens as described.

Bonuses: If the caster performs well above and beyond what is required for a casting, the spell's performance is improved in a way of his choosing at no extra cost! An even greater success can have more than one bonus!

Unless stated otherwise, a spell has the following bonus options:
If the spell has a non-permanent, non-instant duration, the duration is doubled.
If the spell targets a creature other than the caster, the range is doubled or increased to 30 feet, whichever is greater.
The spell's energy cost is halved.

Amulet of Shapechanging

Amulet of Shapechanging “ During my travels, I've often found magic items discounted at stores. Typically, this is innocent as any...