Friday, September 13, 2019

Primal Root

Primal Root:

Primal root? Yes, that's a good amount...fresh, too. 'Fraid I can't pay you too much for it, though. See...potions made with primal root have a strong tendency to have very long lasting effects. Permanent, often enough. Combine that with the tendency to render consumers comatose for a few hours...and it's just not very useful for a joke shop like this, yeah? You'll have better luck with the fuddy-duddy across the street.

-Selzo, fairy dragon alchemist

Looking nothing so fancy as it sounds, the so-called primal root appears as an unassuming yellow-orange flower. Growing primarily in regions of heavy rainfall, this uncommon plant is valued almost exclusively for its disproportionately large roots. While they seem to have no special properties on their own, primal roots are very magically reactive, making them a potent and versatile ingredient in potion making.

Dryad's Wine:
So potent are the root's dormant energies that merely using it as a robust flavoring to an otherwise mundane alcohol has has rather dramatic results. Made using the primal root in combination with ordinary grapes. 10-30 minutes after being drinking, the imbiber grows drowsy, and soon falls asleep. During this sleep, which lasts 2-5 hours and cannot be woken from prematurely, the imbiber undergoes a transformation of sorts.

If female, the drinker finds that any scars, blemishes, and imperfections they find unsightly vanish. They also gain a slight improvement to their natural dexterity and charisma. This effect is permanent.

If male, the drinker becomes biologically female. This transformation lasts 2-5 weeks, and has a 20% chance of leaving the drinker in a permanent intersex state afterwards.

If one drinks more than one dose within a twelve month period, there is a 50% chance of overdosing. In males, the overdose simply makes the gender change permanent. In females, however. Their skin takes on the texture and appearance of smooth bark, their hair is replaced by thin, leafy branches, and their life force is bound to the nearest tree. So long as the tree lives, they will return to life within the week should they die, but will begin to sicken and die should they travel more than a mile from the tree. Additional doses of dryad's wine negate this dependency for one week.

Elixir of Photosynthesis:
A somewhat more complex concoction that should only be made by actual alchemists, upon ingesting this elixir, the imbiber will fall unconscious for 20-60 minutes while their metabolism radically alters. Their skin turns a deep green, their hair becomes leaves, and they gain the ability to photosynthesize. Their food requirements are reduced to 5% of their previous needs, but must spend at least six hours a day in indirect sunlight. Direct, intense sunlight cuts this need in half. Water needs are not negated. The drinker is cured of any pollen allergy they may suffer from.

Potion of Sprouting:
This simpler potion was originally used by scouts and spies, but fell out of favor upon an unfortunate side-effect being discovered. Upon drinking this, the drinker gains the ability to transform into a large but otherwise mundane shrub and back at will, their equipment melding with them. They retain this ability for an impressive 2-20 days. Due to reasons alchemists have still not discovered, 10% of these potions instead force the imbiber to transform as soon as they're standing upon soil, and prevent them from returning to normal until the potion's effect expires. While in shrub form, the user is vaguely aware of sights and sounds within thirty feet.

Saturday, September 7, 2019



Concept by Farnix

Some transformative substances don't have a clear and known origin. Such is the case for the substance known plainly as mutolact, a type of magical milk. Nobody knows for sure where this substance came from, only that is is naturally produced by certain individuals, regardless of species or gender. Like most milk, mutolact is typically produced by affected individuals through mammary glands located in the breasts or udder, though it can manifest in more curious forms in those lacking such things.

The most striking and obvious effect of mutolact is, of course, its transformative nature. If imbibed by a creature, they themselves will begin to produce mutolact, though the specific effect is unpredictable. In species capable of producing milk, the most common symptoms are enlargement of breasts, growth of additional breasts, or even the growth of an udder! In beings with an external scrotum, it is typically converted into a structure combining the function of scrotum and udder. These mammaries begin lactating, and continue to do so as long as the subject is infected. The milk produced by these “secondary” subjects is just as contagious, though mutolact can be rendered non-infectious through pasteurization. In any case, mutolact is regarded as creamy and delicious, and has never been known to spoil.

Roll on the below table to determine the effect. Mutolact is influenced by the imbiber's will, and if the drinker knows what they're drinking, and they didn't roll an anomaly, they can choose the effect from the table below, excepting anomalies.

The subject's breasts grow 2-4 sizes. If they didn't have breasts, they do now.
The subject grows 1-3 additional sets of breasts.
The subject grows an udder.
The subject is affected by a random two of the above effects.
The subject is affected by the first three effects.
An anomaly occurs!

The subject begins laying milk-filled eggs.
Roll again on the main table. The subject can no longer be cured by milking, as though they were a natural producer of T-Milk.
The subject acquires the head, fur, tail, and hooves of a cow, along with a tendency to moo. They also roll again on the main table.
The subject acquires the head, fur, tail, and hooves of a goat. They also roll again on the main table.
Roll again on the main table. The sensation of milking puts the subject in a trance, making it almost impossible for them to milk themselves.
The subject becomes a cow-taur, with their normal upper body and a four-legged bovine form from the waist down. If the subject was already quadrupedal, there is a 75% chance their upper body resembles their previous form but anthropomorphic, and a 25% chance their upper body is bovine, with the tauric half resembling their previous form. In any case, they roll again on the main table, but all affects are applied only to their bovine half.

The effects of mutolact wear off on their own after about a week without further mutolact consumption. If udders or breasts are left unmilked, however, the body may reabsorb excess mutolact, so curing such subjects typically requires a week of aggressive milking.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019



By Tavaer, edited by Thunder

    An unusual tincture with powerful exorcistic capabilities, Agloaphotis is an odorless, thin, red liquid made from a rare subspecies of desert Peony or a kind of Morning Glory found growing by the water's edge near the town of Quiet Mesa. Few natural weapons are more effective against demonic possession: when ingested, the tincture will violently expel any demonic or spiritual malignancy, causing it to take physical form; this spirit may not take its eviction lightly and can thus remain hostile. No record exists of Agloaphotis' effects on unborn children, especially those of demonic lineage.

    Some rare alchemical case studies- long since forbidden in civilized magical societies, -may have found this tincture to be susceptible to corruption....Harvesting the the blooms to late...or by adding innocent blood to the mixture or the regurgitated distilled essence, mixed with Nightshade would do the trick, or so it was fortold by gyromancy.
   Corrupted Agloaphotis is rumored to be the color of dried blood and to be thin enough to suffuse and stain even non-porous surfaces to the core; though, it remains as odorless as its normal state. When consumed, the corrupted concoction supposedly has the reversed effect, forcing whatever dark spirit or possessor to take full control of its host. Said host would then take on the features of the possessing entity, making exorcising them safely a near-impossible task. If no dark spirits currently inhabit the imbiber, it is possible that Corrupted Agloaphotis would turn them into a beacon to any nearby non-corporeals, leaving them permanently vulnerable to possession., even by beings on distant planes.

    The purveyors and sources of these persistent rumors have all met violent ends, so perhaps it is best if you omit these from your studies?

Amulet of Shapechanging

Amulet of Shapechanging “ During my travels, I've often found magic items discounted at stores. Typically, this is innocent as any...