Sunday, July 14, 2019

Incense of Fullness

Incense of Fullness

Created by a workaholic alchemist who hated wasting time doing things like eating, this incense comes in tiny pouches of powder. When burned, it creates one of a variety of hearty aromas, typically similar to baking bread or seasoned meat. After breathing the incense for at least 30 minutes, the user experiences a pleasant feeling of fullness, which remains until they've not been exposed to the incense for four hours. During this time, they experience no hunger. This strange satiation provides all the benefits of a regular, healthy diet.

However, the incense is intended to replace regular food intake, not compliment it. If one eats actual food while under the effects of the incense, almost all of the food's caloric value will be converted to fat. It's also not a good idea to eat the powder, despite its delicious smell. If one actually ingests a dose, it tastes much like it smells, and is indeed quite filling, but also will cause between fourty and sixty pounds of weight gain over the course of 24 hours!

Another alchemist, more mischievous in nature, took inspiration from this creation, and made his own less benign variation, the Incense of Ballooning. Basic magical and chemical identification will suggest it has the same properties as the Incense of Fullness, and functions similarly, except for an insidious side-effect: Four hours after breathing the incense, the user begins gaining weight, gaining five pounds for every thirty minutes of exposure. This is accompanied by a warm, pleasant feeling, and it will take a notable effort of will to extinguish the incense or otherwise remove oneself from its presence. If the Incense of Ballooning is ingested, the imbiber should expect 1d100+100 pounds of growth within three hours.

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