Thursday, July 11, 2019

Girdle of Tiresias

Girdle of Tiresias

As per the desire of you viewers, we're transitioning to the topic of magic items, and what a deep, deep well that is! While possibly even older in mythology than lycanthropy, the strong ties to transformation are a more modern matter. Especially in modern transformation stories and art, transformations are often brought on by a hapless victim touching or wearing a strange item, often bearing the likeness of what it's going to turn them into.

Of special note are "cursed" items. The definition of a cursed item varies from universe to universe, but there are certainly common trends, such as being irremovable, being detrimental to the user, or activating without the user's volition. Just why an item is cursed varies on an item by item basis. Perhaps the item was intended as a trap by the creator. Perhaps the creator made a mistake in its creation. Perhaps what is seen as a curse by most was seen as a blessing by the creator. Cursory magical identification will often read magic items as something more benign.

Today's magic item is a classic, appearing in most, if not all editions of Dungeons & Dragons as a cursed item. Cursed items in D&D typically aren't terribly interesting, generally either unceremoniously killing the user, or just doing the opposite of what they claim to do. One item in particular is notable for not being blatantly hostile to the user...the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity. It just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? In at least one instance, it was called the Girdle of Tiresias, after the Greek oracle who was transformed into a woman. A much nicer name, and the one I'll be using.

It's unclear just why this item was created, or by whom, but its effect is anything but. Ordinary magical identification will suggest some common beneficial effect, such as enhancing the wearer's strength or durability, but upon donning the girdle, the wearer's gender is abruptly changed!

The wearer loses all gender-specific features.
The wearer changes to the opposite gender. For wearers of non-binary physical gender, they lose all gender-specific characteristics, and gain all the ones they didn't have.
The wearer becomes intersex, developing the genitalia of the other gender while retaining their own.

Upon activating, the girdle loses all magical properties. It can be freely removed, but this does not undo the transformation. The transformation cannot cured by effects that dispel magic or curses, as no magic effect remains of the user. The only way to reverse the effect is by applying another gender-altering effect. The girdle will not affect pregnant creatures.

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