Thursday, November 14, 2019
By Tavaer and Farnix
Skunkobolds (Skunk Kobold)
Size: 3-4.7 ft
Weight: 50-70 lbs
Strength: About average for their size.
Agility: Very Good (When breathing is normal)
Health: Average
Intelligence: Average
Willpower: Average
Skills: Any skills they had before conversion.
“We smelled them long before we saw them...kobolds...but furrier, looking like skunks that walked on two legs. They were collecting tribute from the townspeople...who invited them in for a jovial dinner no less! Although, they didn't smell that bad, looking back...more like a perfume you can't forget...”
-A traveler after passing through the domain of Lord Farnixstraz, The Noble and Odious Dragon.
A unique variant of kobold kind endemic to the domain of Lord Farnixstraz, the Dracomeph. These creatures are no taller than other kobolds, still diminutive in comparison to humans, but their appearance is radically different, bearing an uncanny resemblance to large skunks. They sport fur that varies in color, with a single white stripe that run from their nose backwards across the head, splitting in two down their backs, and across down their skunk-like tail. They sport scales running down their neck and chests, usually of another color, and sometimes have plate like formations on their arms or legs. They all have have short stubby horns, a pink nose, and pink paws on their hands and feet.
These creatures behave noticeably different from other kobolds as well, priding themselves on maintenance and spending inordinate amounts of time primping and caring for their fur. They take baths very often, but the musky and almost hypnotic scent never fades from their fur unless deceased. This scent is a mix of that of the mind warping and verdant miasma produced by their master, and a scent not unlike perfume to an acidic concentration, their own bodily concoction. Their scent faintly calms and disarms any who smell it, building to dizzying levels when they hibernate through the winter. Each member of a 'Skunkobold' warren may hibernate on a different cycle and rarely do they sync. This and their tendency to emulate the vanity of dragon kind lead them to be very uncooperative with one another, although they are each individually driven by slavish loyalty to their master, and noticeably unproductive outside of it's sphere of influence.
Unlike other variants of kobold, they are on average much more able and usually skilled, this is because many of them were former adventurers and humans who pledged loyalty to a Dracomeph or were corrupted by it's influence. They do not covet riches from the earth either, but they will use it for crafting and keep what they find for trade or storage.
Their hearing and sense of smell are keen, but they cannot see in the dark, keeping their masters lair well lit. Skunkobolds are most comfortable in any temperate, enclosed environment that has air thick with their masters scent. Outside of this environment they are short of breath, wheezing in a manner closely resembling asthma in humans. While traveling outside of their masters territory, they can always be smelled before they are seen. They may settle in enclosed areas while traveling, anywhere where their scent can build up into a warm fog. If they must stay away long, they ensure to make the place feel and smell like home.
They retain the wider tendency of kobold kind to make use of anything, favoring improvised weapons. They may use Fireplace Bellows enhanced with magic to blow away or intoxicate foes, volatile balloons filled with musky goop, sometimes even using them for transport, ascending heights or making extended leaps. They also commonly carry stink bombs, and have been known to hand out trapped gas masks and leave them lying about for foes.
Oxygen Sensitivity: While breathing air tainted by their masters influence Skunkobolds think clearly and logically, working in harmony to please their master, they have an advantage at group efforts and in combat, However, while breathing normal oxygen, they wheeze constantly, becoming irritable and losing the ability to work together in favor of bickering. Their movements are slower and weaker in this state, tending to sleep more, and they are less likely to make detailed plans.
Acrid Mark: A Skunkobold launches a 15ft spray of intense flowery stench at a single target, from it's tail. The target must dodge or resist of take medium poison damage and become scent marked for two weeks. While scent marked, any attempts at tracking the victim by scent by any creature has a large advantage, the target is vulnerable to further poisoning, and is disadvantaged in contest with or being tracked by the Skunkobolds and their master.
Fragrant Blast: A Skunkobolds innate abilities allow them to bodily generate a 5ft radius sphere that smells of concentrated, acidic, flower perfume. Lasts for a minute outside of enclosed spaces and 2-3 minutes in close space. Any creature that can smell must avoid moderate poison damage. Anyone breathing the gas over time continues to take damage. A moderate wind disperses after a moment, but the scent is instantly dissipated by strong wind.
Enchanted Fireplace Bellows: A heavy, improvised weapon that takes a moment to draw to full power, leaving the holder disadvantaged. Enhanced by wind magic. Any creature small or less that is hit by it is blown a sizable distance away, taking damage upon collision with any object or from falling. Medium creatures may also be hurt if any object lies in their way. Larger creatures are succeed automatically.
Innocuous Balloon: A free flying magical balloon which drifts slowly and continuously in a single direction unless disturbed, but will explode when near an enemy. Any target within the immediate area of it's explosion must avoid it or take medium poison damage. The spot beneath is also bathed in it's contents for an hour, forming a person sized pool of poison. The balloon may be held by or tied to a small, unencumbered creature causing them to rise slowly into the air, or extend a jump by no less than thrice the length of its jumps height. Additional Balloons stack onto this effect. More balloons maybe used by medium sized creatures to achieve the same effect.
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