Disclaimer: While sexually explicit content is not the focus of this blog, I will not avoid such content either. Given the fetish-related nature of this blog, things might get a bit weird.
Formed from the Greek meta, "after," morphe, "form," and philia, "love."
As long as stories have been told, there have been stories of transformation, of humans taking the forms of other creatures, other genders, or even objects. While most notoriously prominent in Greek mythology through stories of the gorgons, Circe, and Narcissus, among many, many others. Even the ancient tale of Gilgamesh featured hints of such, when the feverish Enkidu dreamed that his arms had been transformed into the wings of a bird.
This trend has not abated in the modern age, prevaling primarily in horror. Werewolves, vampires, Junji Ito manga. That said, transformation media is not limited to horror. It's massively prominent in furry culture, and many fetish communities. It's happened in every long-running cartoon or comic series you can name. There are numerous tropes revolving around it.
The Metamorphile's Compendium will explore all of these to a degree, but its primary focus will be examining, analyzing, and creating lore, especially in the field of tabletop roleplaying games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, and Mutants & Masterminds. The creations here will be mostly system-agnostic, which means the rules will be specific enough to be clear and followable, but vague enough to be easily adapted to other systems. With any luck, we'll be adapting and compiling lore into actual (free!) supplements for said systems!
As for structure, every few weeks I will choose a transformation-related topic, decided through a poll presented to related communities and conference with my assistants in development. For the next few weeks, posts will be related to said topic until I feel it's time to move on to something else. Topics may be revisited. Anyhow. Comments, suggestions, and requests are welcome and encouraged (please be civil!)
Can we get a link to the next poll? I've only heard about this blog today, and have no clue where you are on the "Relevant communities" (and while I have an idea what said communities are IDK if I'm right).
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! I'll make a little post for that.