Mercurial Lion
By Tavaer
Size: 4-5 feet long
Weight: 150-200 lbs
Strength: Above Average
Agility: Average
Health: Poor
Intelligence: Very Poor
Willpower: Poor
Skills: Assorted Projectile Fire Magic, Exceptional Balance, Perfect Memory.
“...The night of the raid, Liev went ahead of us, wanted the gold for himself! I got there only to meet
those two leery carved lion statues from before sitting outside the temple; too heavy to steal of course...
and in the central room there was another lion statue, one that wasn't there when we scouted the
ruins...and in it's jaws were Liev's tools!”
Mercurial lions are magical sentries of stone created by the ancient royal wizards of a long
forgotten imperial court in a land lost to demons. While they always watch over revered temples sites
& hallowed temples, they are not to be confused for the similar celestial creature. While resembling
large cats, they have cracked stone skin, fiery eyes and regal manes of jade and similar decorative
materials, with veins of mercury throughout. They are always made and sold in pairs. In order to
preserve the alchemy that animates them, each lion actively avoids falling into bodies of water or lava.
While on guard, they do not patrol, but instead rest like grounded gargoyles, typically near the
entrance, often giving some sort of visual clue about whether or not the structure is open to the public,
such as bared fangs or closed eyes. They are much slower than real lions but just as agile, building into
a devastating charge capable of shattering stone, although they will not risk harm to the structures they
guard, returning stolen relics when found. Mercurial Lions move noticeably slower over icy and wet
terrains, and will avoid mud altogether. They will avoid being submerged in water at all costs.
They cannot repair themselves, however they can create new guardians by turning the flesh of
enemies to stone with a petrifying breath at close range, and reshaping solid victims into new lions of
stone, animating them and other stone creatures with spray of soot and mercury from within. Lions
created through these means have no manes or other ornamentation.
In combat, their range is not to be underestimated, employing multiple types of fire against
enemies: A basic fireball that will explode on contact with enemies and burn at the flesh, a blue fireball
which burns at the magical energies of it's target and saps the ability to focus, and a black fireball that
destroys healing ability with temporary necrosis. At close range they may just breath a gout of fire or a
blinding billow of ash and soot.
They have a strong resistance to magic, but can be crushed by appropriate force, and a skilled warrior
user may be able to turn their fireballs against them.
Oddly enough they are startled by loud noise and bright lights when outside of the places they secure. It
is possible for a thief to deter them temporarily with fireworks or flashing lights temporarily, however
they will renew the chase until destroyed.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Monday, December 9, 2019
Blight Gnolls
Design and concept
by Min, written by Shin
200-400 lbs
Above average
Very good
Varies greatly, though alchemy is a common practice
are a relatively common species of hyena-like humanoids, known for
their primitive and violent culture. Most of them aren't particularly
relevant to this archive, with one very notable exception, known as
blight gnolls.
Whereas most gnolls favor plains, blight gnoll settlements are found almost
exclusively in swampland. While their form is indeed that of an
anthropomorphic hyena, they're easily distinguished from their more
common kin at a glance. Their fur is a pale green-grey, their eyes
glow green, and their otherwise lanky figure is broken by their
distended, swollen gut.
gut is filled with a bright green ichor. Produced in excess, this
ichor is spewed out by the gnolls every few hours. This ichor, called
blight ichor, has simple, but effective alchemical uses, increasing
the duration and potency of nearly any potion it's mixed into. This
benefit, combined with the ichor's ease of production, would
revolutionize alchemy entirely were it not for an insidious
side-effect: long-term use of blight-infused potions slowly
transforms the imbiber into a blight gnoll themselves. While the
transformation caused any single dose are easily overlooked, they are
permanent, and once they're about half-transformed, they begin
producing blight ichor within their own body. At this point, there's
no practical way of preventing full transformation, though
transformees tend to retain some subtle hint of what they used to be.
not as violent as the common gnoll, blight gnolls aren't inherently
peaceful or benign, either, and different tribes encourage different
behaviors. While they're often open to outsiders, it's not unheard of
for these gnolls to spike a visitor's food or drink with their bile.
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